29 October, 2008


On Censorship: I'm not a fan.

I'm really glad that so many people are following my blog now. It feels like I have a reason to write. Like it's not just for me and my bored office friends to look at. So thanks for following. Thanks for caring how things are in France. Really, I'm glad you want to read about what I'm doing.

But I've had some requests to tone down my language. And this does not make me happy.

Two things:

One: I have toned down my language. You may not know it if you are a recent follower, but I have. I know that more people are reading now. I keep it in mind when I write the entries. This doesn't mean that I am never going to write an expletive.

Two: Listen people, language is one of the strongest means of communication we have as humans. Every single word carries meaning, right down to the thes ands and buts. And it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the words that make people the most uncomfortable are probably the ones that carry the most weight. It's always been that way, with more than just language. I don't know why people have to feel threatened when they hear a curse word. It's not going to ruin your life.

So I'm saying it now. Officially, on the record: You will see curses on this blog. You will see the wholesome family-friendly ones like screw and frick and you may see the really horrid ones too.

See, if a kid says to me "I wanna fuck you," then that's what he said. And if I'm recanting the story, I'm going to quote exactly what I heard. For shock value. I was shocked when he said it, and I want my readers to know how I feel. He did not say "I want to f star star star you." "He did not say "I want to make love to you." He said "I want to fuck you."

I know all of you readers are intelligent. And I know you all get the difference between make love and fuck. I also know that anyone who is able to use the internet, type, read and comprehend my blog has assuredly already heard everything I will say and things even I am too prudish to write.

So I'll say it again, I will not censor this any more than I already have. Don't ask again, k?



Anonymous said...

I say curse 'til the cows come home ;) It's your blog, why shouldn't you? I can't believe someone would ask you to tone down your language on your own blog. Hmmmm....

Anywho, I'm enjoying reading about your adventures. I feel very boring now :)


Anonymous said...

Say what you want. Just because your not in America you are still an American.People died to give you freedom of speech.Use it.
Love, your brother.

ash said...

All right guys! Thanks for the support!