28 January, 2012

1am gripe

The absolute worst thing about my stay in france this year? The toilet is downstairs in the coldest scariest hallway. not even on my floor.


it's the most wonderful time of the year

Less than a month to Valentine's Day!!

You heard me right.

This feminist, liberal, anti-corporate girl loves the hell out of Valentine's Day. And this should not come as a shock to anyone who knows me. I love love. And if V-Day gives lots of people the inspiration to celebrate that, I'm in. Point final.


Today was a pretty awesome day:
-Finished packaging V-Day cards for my friends.
-Joked around and chit-chatted a bit with the owners of one of my favorite restaurants here. Time to ask for a job?
-Filled out 3 customs forms.
-Drank too much cafe. Today's special guest was W from Lisieux, who was, as always, a ball of sunshine.
-Planned a V-Day party. Bringing my red velvet brownies to France. If you know the secret ingredient, keep it to yourself. I got some people I need to surprise.
-Looked at some poems and started working on a new poetic series. Gotta warm up those poetry muscles. NaPoMo is coming.
-Reminisced with an old friend about playing steamroller in the grass in Lisieux.
-Got back into making homemade pizza crust. Topped it with tzatziki, tomatoes, fromge de brebis, and white onions. No photographic evidence remains.

Currently listening to this gem of a cover by Sara Bareilles

23 January, 2012

Detox Day 8: The day I realize my cereal has vegetables in it

Officially a healthy-eating grown-up. three principal ingredients in my cereal: anise, ginger, and...wait for it, cilantro. Or coriander for you brits. Whatever way you cut it, that's a veggie. And no sugar added. Oh, how I miss Cookie Crisp sometimes.

I smelled up my hallway in the best way possible this evening, with curried roast parsnip, carrot, leek and potato.

I think I have officially regulated my sleep - clocking in sleepy at 10pm and waking up early enough to go for a run before classes.

I am having the most wicked sugar cravings though. Want. cake.

I think this week I will re-incorporate peanuts and wheat into my diet. The goal of the detox is to eliminate common allergens completely. But let's face it: I am not allergic to these two foods, and even if I am, there's no way I'm giving up either of them.

Holding strong against sugar though. Go ahead sugar, keep luring me with your siren song. I got this.

22 January, 2012

Detox Day 7: Feeling when I done wrong

Woke up again today before my alarm. It feels nice not to be so tired all the time. The cleanse is going well and I think I have successfully hit all three goals: clean, rest, and balance. And as an extra bonus, in the last few days I've been feeling really in tune with my body. I know how hippie that sounds, but hear me out.

First thing I did wrong: got dehydrated. One of the keys to this detox is drinking tons of water. At least two liters a day, to facilitate digestion and flush the bladder. Friday, being the first day I wasn't at school/in town with my water bottle attached to my hip, I barely drank anything. How I felt it: I had no energy at all yesterday! Was ready to take a rest after the four sets of stairs up to my apartment.

Second thing I did wrong: skimped on whole grains. How I felt it: see exhausted! Friday was the only day I didn't eat very much (bad planning and I was in town without a meal).

Third thing I did wrong: ate at 10pm. How I felt it: Trouble sleeping. Before I started this I was tossing and turning more than usual, and not liking the new pattern. As part of the detox, I don't eat after 7pm, so that my body can focus on resting during the night and not digestion. But last night I was waiting on a friend and didn't get to eat until 10pm, then went to sleep at midnight. Hello weird dreams and waking up at each noise, something that hadn't happened all week.

Fourth thing I did wrong: ate past my hungry limit. My chili was just so damn good I wanted some more. Can you blame me? kidney beans, tomatoes, squash, carrot, onion, pepper, and whole grain brown rice. Yum! I had a second spoon even though I wasn't hungry anymore. How I felt it: maman, j'ai mal au ventre!! (Felt like a kid who ate five bowls of ice cream for dinner)

Yesterday I had my cranky hat on, and said maybe this detox isn't for me because why am I so tired. Today let me be honest with myself: I feel great when I do it right, and I feel loafy when I do something wrong. So I think I'll give it some more time and see what happens when I go all in.

Happy Sunday! Go check out PostSecret!

20 January, 2012

Detox Day 5

Feeling damn good, even though my brain is trying to convince me I need sugar. No more headaches, but I did have a dream about cake. American cake, frosting and all.

Currently eating quinoa and feeling like OMG WHY DID I NOT KNOW HOW FREAKING DELICIOUS THIS FOOD WAS sooner.

17 January, 2012

Detox Day 2: Good morning banana oatmeal!

Felt headachey and sleepy last night, though couldn't tell if those were from lack of sugar or cause I'm still recovering from état grippaux this weekend.

This morning I don't feel hungry at all and woke up really energized!

Today is my longest day at school so I will have to bring plenty of detox-OK snacks and remember to drink lots of water.

What I ate on Day 1
Rice/Veggies (onion, garlic, broccoli, carrot, red kidney beans)
Corn cakes with hummus

In case you were wondering, I'm only drinking lemon water and limited tea/coffee this week.

OK, on to day two. Wish me no headaches or other sugar withdrawal symptoms!

15 January, 2012

my favorite Kate Nash song ever

Right, birds can fly so high or they can shit on your head, yeah they can almost fly into your eye and make you feel well scared, but when you look at them, and you see that they're beautiful - that's how I feel about you.

14 January, 2012

french cough syrup...good to the last drop

So I'm sick for the 6th time since I've come to France. It's pretty wonderful. You know, I get to be laid up in bed on a beautiful Saturday night in a hopping university town, chugging cough syrup and spraying solution up my nose (note to self: do the spray first - it's disgusting!) while I tear through my 24 pack of lotus tissues.

I have to say, I'm not surprised I'm sick. I gave my immune system a beating over Christmas holidays being lazy and eating too much sugar. My body wants me to know I screwed up. It's interesting for me to think that my habits brought this on. Throughout my life, I was always unhealthy, but rarely sick. Eating shit food and not exercising was normal for me. Now, it's the other way around. I can feel it when I haven't been healthy, and it hurts. I gotta say, as uncomfortable as I am this week, it's pretty awesome to know that the healthy space is now my norm.

Anyway, to apologize to my aching, no-energy having body, I'm starting a detox on Monday. Apparantly this works really well for a friend of mine whenever she's feeling off or out of balance. It's basically a diet of whole grains (except wheat), veggies, fruits, and healthy oils. Vegan and gluten-free. And tons of water.

I went to the French version of Pamela's health food store today and got myself loaded up on brown rice, quinoa, millet, oats and rice cakes. Tomorrow it's the open air market for all my seasonal fruit and veg. If I can get out of bed, that is. I wish these vendors would deliver.

08 January, 2012

What I did yesterday


-hard-bound complitation of photos of Caen taken thirty years ago
-anthology of poems from the Rochefort school (of which Rene Guy Cadou is a member - some of you may recall a very bad tattoo idea that had to do with a poem of his)
-anthology of popular French poems (which probably means they're not the best out there but good to know what the french are reading)
-anthology of prose poems
-compilation of hope poems. i should clarify here that while this may be a book of the "soup for the soul" variety, the poems are actually good, so i don't feel bad about it.

The good news is that the marche aux livres comes the first week of every month. The question is: how am I possibly going to get these books back with me?!

Among other things, I also had two coffees yesterday. I hate coffee in a big way, but I have been spending way too much money on hot chocolates and teas in these french cafes. So coffee it will be. Goodbye sugar crashes/hello caffeinated twitching and too much energy!!

02 January, 2012

Resolutions shmesolutions

It's a New Year! Which means everyone is busy at the gym or registering for Mint.com, or doing whatever else they gotta do to get those resolutions moving. I set myself some goals when I came to France three months ago, so I'll be working on those throughout the year. Let's see how I'm doing.

1. Get healthy physically, mentally, spiritually: Working on it. Physically is coming easiest to me, though I did meditate last night, and I'm still thinking of doing a cleanse in the spring.

2. Run 5k nonstop by March (the 3k track is literally right outside my door): This one is on hold because it has been feezing and I haven't been running! I started again today with Whit. God knows how long it will take me to get to 5k!

3. Find yoga and do it at least weekly - Oh man. This is a story for the ages. Found yoga & went to a class and realized it was partner yoga. Awk! I just want it to be mr and my flow. Looks like I'll be doing it in my room.

4. Eat seasonally: Succeeding. I even got a chart with the fruits listed by season to help me.

5. See Germany: Going to Volksfest in May!

6. See south of France: Planning to go in February when my friend E comes to visit!

7. Perfect my french: Working on it. England hurt me a little bit, but I've been getting back into the swing of things. And I found a group of friends who really don't mind correcting me.

8. Cut down dairy/sugar consumption: Again, England hurt me on this one. But, I've cut wayy back and I can definitely feel the difference.

9. Write poems weekly: Still unsuccessful. Lots of inspiration, but now I need to set aside time to actually write!

10. Try other forms of writing/arts: Freewrote some stuff and been journaling. Got crafty with my Christmas presents. Must find another métier...

11. Create lessons that I can use later as a teacher: Coming along handsomely! Best lesson ever = how to express yourself when a fight about politics breaks out at Christmas dinner.

12. Save money: Harder than you would think. Marking this unsuccessful for now, and hoping I can get it together soon.

13. Make awesome friends (already cracking away at this one!): Done and done.

14. Talk to family as often as possible: No trouble there.

15. Translate some French poems: Translated some passages from a really poetic book. Gonna start a class about Jacques Prévert after the break.

16. Complete National Poetry Month in April (write a poem a day): Still far away.

17. Volunteer: No movement. Gotta get on that.

18. Complete advanced degree of french studies: Classes start at the end of the month!

19. Handmake Christmas presents: Executed and well-received!

I'd give myself a solid C so far. I've still got a long way to go. Also, this year I would like to get my Christmas cards out on time and be more independent. Wish me luck!