23 January, 2012

Detox Day 8: The day I realize my cereal has vegetables in it

Officially a healthy-eating grown-up. three principal ingredients in my cereal: anise, ginger, and...wait for it, cilantro. Or coriander for you brits. Whatever way you cut it, that's a veggie. And no sugar added. Oh, how I miss Cookie Crisp sometimes.

I smelled up my hallway in the best way possible this evening, with curried roast parsnip, carrot, leek and potato.

I think I have officially regulated my sleep - clocking in sleepy at 10pm and waking up early enough to go for a run before classes.

I am having the most wicked sugar cravings though. Want. cake.

I think this week I will re-incorporate peanuts and wheat into my diet. The goal of the detox is to eliminate common allergens completely. But let's face it: I am not allergic to these two foods, and even if I am, there's no way I'm giving up either of them.

Holding strong against sugar though. Go ahead sugar, keep luring me with your siren song. I got this.

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