28 January, 2012

it's the most wonderful time of the year

Less than a month to Valentine's Day!!

You heard me right.

This feminist, liberal, anti-corporate girl loves the hell out of Valentine's Day. And this should not come as a shock to anyone who knows me. I love love. And if V-Day gives lots of people the inspiration to celebrate that, I'm in. Point final.


Today was a pretty awesome day:
-Finished packaging V-Day cards for my friends.
-Joked around and chit-chatted a bit with the owners of one of my favorite restaurants here. Time to ask for a job?
-Filled out 3 customs forms.
-Drank too much cafe. Today's special guest was W from Lisieux, who was, as always, a ball of sunshine.
-Planned a V-Day party. Bringing my red velvet brownies to France. If you know the secret ingredient, keep it to yourself. I got some people I need to surprise.
-Looked at some poems and started working on a new poetic series. Gotta warm up those poetry muscles. NaPoMo is coming.
-Reminisced with an old friend about playing steamroller in the grass in Lisieux.
-Got back into making homemade pizza crust. Topped it with tzatziki, tomatoes, fromge de brebis, and white onions. No photographic evidence remains.

Currently listening to this gem of a cover by Sara Bareilles

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