17 January, 2012

Detox Day 2: Good morning banana oatmeal!

Felt headachey and sleepy last night, though couldn't tell if those were from lack of sugar or cause I'm still recovering from état grippaux this weekend.

This morning I don't feel hungry at all and woke up really energized!

Today is my longest day at school so I will have to bring plenty of detox-OK snacks and remember to drink lots of water.

What I ate on Day 1
Rice/Veggies (onion, garlic, broccoli, carrot, red kidney beans)
Corn cakes with hummus

In case you were wondering, I'm only drinking lemon water and limited tea/coffee this week.

OK, on to day two. Wish me no headaches or other sugar withdrawal symptoms!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

No headache! Bonne chance avec le detox!