21 March, 2009

Something awesome happened

I checked out a book from the library. An anthology of the most beautiful french love poems. And I decided I didn't want to read it.

Why is that amazing?

I didn't give up because the language was too difficult. I didn't choose to read something in English or a little kids book instead. I simply didn't like what I was reading. I found it cliched. And do you know how? I could predict the lines that were coming next. Whoa. Not only was I able to read and comprehend the words, I was able to predict what French words were coming next. I'm able to recognize cliches in French now! Booyah!

In all seriousness though, this is a big moment. I've been reading in French for a while. Not fluently enough to tackle Le Monde, but substantial writing that hasn't been watered down for a foreigner. When I read the bilingual edition of Julien Green's The Language and Its Shadow I was able to read the English works in English and the French works in French, without using the translation as a clutch. I've been keeping a journal in French. I've even written (using very, very simple language) a poem in French.

I think I'll go to the beach this weekend with a much better anthology of contemporary French poetry to celebrate. If I don't profiter du soleil now, I'll never forgive myself.

PS - Not all the lines were horrible. I liked this one.

20 March, 2009

The most exciting thing that happened to me yesterday

I've just prepared my dinner (rice with black beans in a tomato onion sauce that will make you want to marry me) and am sitting down to eat. With a flick of my wrist, I knock over my American-sized cup of water - not one of those wimpy canteen glasses - all over the floor. It takes the entirety of my bath towel to sop up most of the fluid. I'm feeling pretty damn clumsy, and sad that no one is with me to make the Oh, Ashley remark. Also, I've been buying all of my water and feel that this is at least a sixty-five cent waste.

After I've hung my towel to dry, I sit down again to enjoy my meal. Within 45 seconds I've flipped my bowl upside down onto the floor and there is now splattered ricey beany sauce stretching almost to all four corners of my apartment. I ask myself what the hell my problem is. I have no answer. I do feel happy though, as I clean the resulting mess, that there's all that water on the floor to lift the stains.

19 March, 2009

Best Week Ever - London Edition

At long last, here are the highlights in slideshow format:

Your pictures and fotos in a slideshow on MySpace, eBay, Facebook or your website!view all pictures of this slideshow

And some more highlights that aren't available in photo form:

-Conversations in French and in English with the students
-An awesome and hospitable host family
-Good times with colleagues
-The animatronic T-Rex at the Natural History Museum
-Reading Julien Green and learning that languages are hard for everyone, even people raise bilingually.

07 March, 2009

London Calling

So...I didn't want to blog it before 'cause I wasn't 100% sure it was gonna work out, but everything in in order now and I can finally tell you...

I'm going to London!

I'm chaperoning a group of advanced students on their school trip to London with other professors Philippe and Karen. We three profs will be staying together at one house, while groups of students will be staying with other families. During the days, I'll get to see all the touristy stuff that's designed for the kids' trip, and at nights I'll be partaking in the London nightlife. Maybe.

Many, many stories to come. But I don't think any of them are going to involve me receiving flowers from a London man, so I think Anita is gonna win. ;)

I guess this is kinda me, minus the last line. cat
more animals

06 March, 2009

Today is International Women's Day

If you want, you can go look at the official website.

I was more interested in looking at this one. After an attempt by about.com to name the top 100 women in history, and a spread in glamour magazine, Feministe invites its readers to submit the names of who would be on their lists. The user responses are great, and I'm finding out about a lot of incredible women by wiki-ing the names in the comments.

Who's on my list? My three favorite woman poets.

Lucille Clifton, Marie Howe, and Sharon Olds.

To celebrate women's day, I'm going to a free showing of a feminist film here in Lisieux. Then I'm going to continue my newest poetry project - working title Confessions from the fourth grade - cause it has a hell of a lot to do with the women who have had an effect on my life, whether they knew it or not.

UPDATE: The day actually falls on March 8th. My bad.

02 March, 2009

Happiness is

The time of year a coupla months after daylight savings time when suddeny it's light again at 7:30 in the morning. Guess sometimes a little darkness makes us glad to have light.