07 March, 2009

London Calling

So...I didn't want to blog it before 'cause I wasn't 100% sure it was gonna work out, but everything in in order now and I can finally tell you...

I'm going to London!

I'm chaperoning a group of advanced students on their school trip to London with other professors Philippe and Karen. We three profs will be staying together at one house, while groups of students will be staying with other families. During the days, I'll get to see all the touristy stuff that's designed for the kids' trip, and at nights I'll be partaking in the London nightlife. Maybe.

Many, many stories to come. But I don't think any of them are going to involve me receiving flowers from a London man, so I think Anita is gonna win. ;)

I guess this is kinda me, minus the last line. cat
more animals

1 comment:

Neets said...

Yay, Ash is going to London. I can't wait to hear all about it. DO the nightlife. It is a must!!! Uh-Hello!?! You're gonna be in LONDON. Go out and enjoy!!!