02 January, 2012

Resolutions shmesolutions

It's a New Year! Which means everyone is busy at the gym or registering for Mint.com, or doing whatever else they gotta do to get those resolutions moving. I set myself some goals when I came to France three months ago, so I'll be working on those throughout the year. Let's see how I'm doing.

1. Get healthy physically, mentally, spiritually: Working on it. Physically is coming easiest to me, though I did meditate last night, and I'm still thinking of doing a cleanse in the spring.

2. Run 5k nonstop by March (the 3k track is literally right outside my door): This one is on hold because it has been feezing and I haven't been running! I started again today with Whit. God knows how long it will take me to get to 5k!

3. Find yoga and do it at least weekly - Oh man. This is a story for the ages. Found yoga & went to a class and realized it was partner yoga. Awk! I just want it to be mr and my flow. Looks like I'll be doing it in my room.

4. Eat seasonally: Succeeding. I even got a chart with the fruits listed by season to help me.

5. See Germany: Going to Volksfest in May!

6. See south of France: Planning to go in February when my friend E comes to visit!

7. Perfect my french: Working on it. England hurt me a little bit, but I've been getting back into the swing of things. And I found a group of friends who really don't mind correcting me.

8. Cut down dairy/sugar consumption: Again, England hurt me on this one. But, I've cut wayy back and I can definitely feel the difference.

9. Write poems weekly: Still unsuccessful. Lots of inspiration, but now I need to set aside time to actually write!

10. Try other forms of writing/arts: Freewrote some stuff and been journaling. Got crafty with my Christmas presents. Must find another métier...

11. Create lessons that I can use later as a teacher: Coming along handsomely! Best lesson ever = how to express yourself when a fight about politics breaks out at Christmas dinner.

12. Save money: Harder than you would think. Marking this unsuccessful for now, and hoping I can get it together soon.

13. Make awesome friends (already cracking away at this one!): Done and done.

14. Talk to family as often as possible: No trouble there.

15. Translate some French poems: Translated some passages from a really poetic book. Gonna start a class about Jacques Prévert after the break.

16. Complete National Poetry Month in April (write a poem a day): Still far away.

17. Volunteer: No movement. Gotta get on that.

18. Complete advanced degree of french studies: Classes start at the end of the month!

19. Handmake Christmas presents: Executed and well-received!

I'd give myself a solid C so far. I've still got a long way to go. Also, this year I would like to get my Christmas cards out on time and be more independent. Wish me luck!

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