04 October, 2008

Comforts from Home

I was sitting in my psuedo-Americana chair the other night when I heard a really familiar sound. Turns out the wheel on wheel of fortune has the exact same ring here in France that it does at home in the states, which is the exact same sound it had almost two decades ago when I used to watch it every night with my dad after dinner.

Christof (sp?), the host of the French version, is a little more witty it seems, though I can't exactly understand the humor yet. And the French version of Vana (didn't catch her name) seems a little more objectified. It's not that I watch Wheel of Fortune all that much, but I seem to remember Vana as a pretty classy lady. Sure, she wore skintight dresses every night, and she's gorgeous, but she always carried herself well and had a certain maturity.

I think French Vana is just a ditz. Nothing more than a hot blond doll to be laughed at by the audience members, whereas I think Vana was always admired.

It's interesting just how many American influences I see here. Last night on Wheel of Fortune one of the contestants was an Elvis impersonator, a damn good one too. And the first puzzle he solved was "Tina Turner." Not a commercial break passes where I don't hear at least one American or English song. Tonight's movie-of-the-week on channel two is The Messengers, an American horror movie that even I thought looked bad.

The fact that my culture is all around makes transitioning just the slightest bit easier.

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