25 October, 2008


So it’s been quite an exciting few days. I'm doing it in Win/Fail form because I am exhausted.

Win: Does this look familiar to you? Yes, it’s Aldi’s! Nostalgia of my thrifty childhood. My mom used to take us to Aldi’s, land of discount shastas and knock-off cereals, because we didn’t want to spend all that money shopping at Acme. And now I can go to Aldi’s and buy discount croissants, wine and chocolate because it’s wayyyy cheaper than Monoprix, which has been getting my money the past few weeks.

Fail: I came home and was prepped to open my bottle of 2Euro blush wine, but I broke the cork and now the corkscrew is stuck. Hmmm. Where’s a Houdini when you need one?

Win: I’ve been offered the chance to take French classes for free at Laplace (one of the colléges where I work). Not courses aimed at learning French as a second language, but real French classes for French students! I think this would be a wonderful way to learn the language, French literature, and everyday words that the students use!

Fail: When I was talking to the woman at Laplace about the French classes, I assumed she was a French teacher at the school. So I asked her if she was. Her response was, “No, I’m the principal.” My response: blush, smile, walk away, put foot in mouth…

Win: Look what I found at Aldi’s! Disco Biscuits. Remember when M&Ms and Snickers decided to make those long cookie bars? Yeahhh, these are like those. Yumm!

Fail: It would appear that the French also have unsolicited religious invaders, as proved by this document the "Is there a heaven" leaflet that someone jammed into my mailbox. I know it’s illegal in the USA to put anything except official mail into someone else’s box, but not so in France, clearly.

Win or Fail, you decide: As I was leaving Laplace today, a student hollered after me, “Hello!” I was walking home, but I turned back and waved over my shoulder and replied, “Hello!” Then I continued on my way. Then, I heard from the mouth of either this 12-ish year old or one of his friends, in a heavy French accent, “I – want to fuck you.”

Win for me going over to the group and chewing them out (in French!) Fail for him thinking it's cool to say that to a woman. I'm sure it's just one of the choice phrases he picked up from American rap music or movies.

Thanks again, misogynistic culture. You never stop coming through.

Win: It's vacances, the first vacation of my contract! I don't have any classes again until November 6th. Time to relax, work on translations, maybe go see the basilica.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

I saw a Houdini in Kohl's yesterday and thought of you and this entry. haha