01 October, 2008

First Official Day

Today marked the beginning of my teaching contract. It was fun. I observed four classes (one of which I had seen before). The kids were super-receptive, and chatty! They fought over who got to ask me questions and who got to volunteer for the class exercises.

When the kids walk into class one student gets to write the date on the board in English. And in every single class today, the chosen student wrote:

Wednesday, October 1rd, 2008

Come on, don't act like you've never made that mistake.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Hey Ash! I'm glad you're day was good. And I have to say I always get teary eyed reading your blog. I'm so proud of you, and I just think you deserve this so much. You're freaking awesome, and France is lucky to have you.

And of course, there is a couch with your name on it in Apartment 6L. PS: our neighbors downstais are a cool young couple who both drive motorcycles...and they said I can have a ride! : )