10 October, 2008

Two Weeks In

I was gchatting Tapan Tuesday, telling him how much I miss him, and he said, “babe, you just have to hang in there for 6 ½ more months.”

Imagine this: I never before realized there would be a 6 ½ months in this process. Anytime I talked about France before it was always 7 months. And it’s hard to explain and probably makes no sense, but I thought the 7 months feeling would last all the way until May, when I got on the plane back home. But now it feels like I’m going to be here for 6 ½ more months. And at some point in the near future it’s going to feel like 5 more months. And so on, until one month, one week, three days.

Before Tapan said what he did I hadn’t thought about these milestones, hadn’t even consciously realized they would exist. Thinking about them makes the time go a little faster.

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