22 October, 2008

Pizza Français(e?)

Best Week(end) Ever, Part 2

After classes on Thursday, all four of my English teachers and I went out on the town. I had so much fun! We started by going to Le Moka, the internet café in Lisieux, for some socialization. It was established pretty early on that the dialogue that night would be mostly in French (though everyone is always good about speaking to me in English when I get totally lost). I was happy for the French though. What better way to learn?

Once Le Moka seemed to be closing, we decided to get some pizza for dinner. It was a decision based purely on necessity. As the daughter of two pizzeria-owners, it was my duty to do some research on the French art of pizza-making. We went to a very chic pizza restaurant, whose menu boasted of 60 pizzas! You could get anything you want on your pizza. Once again, I forget the name of what I ordered, but here is a picture of what it looked like. Check out the egg just chilling on top! That is something you would never see in the USA, but it was really frickin delicious! My pizza also had mushrooms, ham, garlic and basil. Oh wow, it was so good. I couldn’t even finish it all.

I thought I was full, with no more room for dessert, until I looked at the menu, at which point I declared, in French, “There is always room for dessert.” I ordered this delicious pear-brownie combination of wonder that was drizzled with chocolatey goodness sauce and cream. It was heaven.

I had an incredible time with the teachers. They are all really patient with me when I (attempt to) speak French, and Karen even said I have already improved. Rock! C is especially good at talking to me. She’s really good at taking note of when I start to zone out because the French all starts to sound foreign. At that point, she asks me a question so I am directly involved. Then, after I have been focused on for a while, she stops asking questions and lets me just listen to the conversation going on around me. I think it’s really a great way to learn.

After dinner, Philippe drove us to the station where I traveled with C and L back to Caen. It was late and everything was closed so I got the train for free!!! (knock on wood or throw salt or something) I would be staying with C for the weekend, so we went together to her house, which rocks hardcore. I really love it, and I wish that someday I can have a house like it. Hopefully with a pullout sofa as comfortable for guests. Cause man, is that a nice touch.


John said...

What's with the egg? I'd feel a little off-put with it just lying there... Other than that, it looks great. How is the crust in France? Does the water make good yeast? (I know it's odd, since French bread is well-known) But I am curious.

ash said...

yeah! when the waiter put my plate down i was like...egg? And it was there on my pizza, all wiggly. I didn't really know what to do, so I just followed everyone else's lead. You just pop the egg open and pread it around your pizza. I thought it was surprisingly yummy.

I'm not so sure about the crust. I didn't notice much of a difference, but then again I was wayyy more focused on the cheesy-hammy-eggy part. I'll have to conduct more "research" just for you John!