15 October, 2008


Finally I dined with someone! Lizzi, the assistant from the school I am living at, came to get me and we came to the local internet cafe and ordered some lunch. I had a salad with chicken and gruyere and loads of corn (!) and Lizzie had a quiche and a tomato salad (pronounced in her lovely British as toe-mott-oh).

After that we thought we would indulge and order some ice cream. So we picked the best-looking one and we each took our first bites and don'tcha know it was like taking a shot. We didn't know when we ordered that it was going to be an alcoholic beverage with ice cream. Well, we hated to see it all those Euros go to waste, so we are now sitting in this internet cafe a little happier than we were before.



Anonymous said...

Ashley, I have to tell you I'm enamored with your blog, and I'm not ashamed to say I'm now living vicariously through you. I find myself laughing a whole lot at your little mishaps (sorry), but it's really just like you being here, so you can't blame me. Thank Maureen for getting me hooked :)


Maureen said...

I realized when I read your comment on carpet fuzz that I read your blog like every day and yet I never leave you love.

So here I am...and if I ordered that yummy-looking ice cream I never would have imagined it would be a booze float. Imagine what they use as "la mode" on waffles! That could be a GOOD breakfast!