05 November, 2008

This is what it means to be an American

That's what people keep saying today. Arianna Huffington said it, the letters to the editor of the New York Times repeat it often, it's obvious it's what Juan Williams was thinking when he broke the news.

Obama won. Obama fucking won! My dad often said, when talking about this election, "if democrats can't win this election, I don't see how democrats can win any election." I'm really happy we won, and I don't have to think of a world where we couldn't. So what does it mean to be an American? And what does it mean to be an American living overseas?

It means that people are eager to talk to me if they know I am American. The landlord: "What do you think of the new president?" The man at the post office (in attempted English): "Chicago? Home of new president?" My friend Mourad (quoting Obama's speech): "It is not a black America. It is not a white America."

It means I have to stop every so often and remind myself what a historic day this is. As Tom reminded me, I can look into the future and see children twenty years from now asking me, "where were you when Barack Obama was elected President?"

It means I had to stifle tears as I watched this speech in the library.

It means I couldn't help it when the pride I felt made my chest swell. It means all of these "it means"s just scratch the surface of how I feel.

Obama talks a lot about hope. Here are my hopes: I hope great things for his presidency. I hope predictions of assassination don't come true. I hope conservatives don't try to blame a Democratic (or worse, black) president when the economy finally goes down the shitter, and I hope that if they do the American people are smart enough not to buy it.

I hope Americans are as passionate about every election as they were about this one.

Today I feel better about America. And hey, I did vow that I wouldn't come home if McCain won. Guess it looks like the States will welcome me back in May!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally (well maybe not totally...) unrelated to your post here, you've inspired me to restart my own blogging career. So if you get bored, I'm here - Bringing Down the List.
