05 September, 2008

Yet another reason milk is evil

If you didn't already know, I think drinking cow's milk is one of the most disgusting things we humans do. If you don't understand why I think that, you should read this. If you think that the previous link is biased because it is hosted by PETA, then you can check this one out. And this one. And while you're at it why don't you look at this directory of a shit ton of articles and websites that agree that milk is not good for you. Oh, look at that - here's a good blog entry on the same topic. Hell, just google "milk unhealthy" and you will get over 1.5 million results. It seems a lot of people agree that milk is bad for you.

In addition to all the other reasons that milk damages your health, here is another one. You know how we drink tea because it contains all those lovely catechins that protect us from diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease? Yeah, well it turns out that when you put milk in your tea, the casein proteins in the milk inhibit those catechins, therefore preventing them from releasing into your bloodstream. In short, milk wrecks the health benefits of tea. The study, conducted by German researchers, focused mostly on black tea, because it is almost always drunk with milk, whereas green tea is not.

So if you drink tea for its health benefits, you might consider skipping the milk next time you pour a cup. Actually, I say if you're into health, skip the milk in general. There are many better ways to get the benefits that actually do come from milk. Some cow out there will thank you for it.


Chet Of The Undead said...

So... are you saying you're Milkist (lol) because you don't like the way big business processes it and adds all kinds of icky hormones and chemicalish things to dairy cows diets (which sucks)

OOOOR...are you just opposed to Milk in general because it comes from an animal? (I.E. yet ANOTHER young female Vegan-ista)

If it's the first part, I'd have to agree with you totally Big Milk is a problem...if it's the second, then sorry, totally wrong... Veganism is a quasi-religion based on a false pricinple. Animals kill and devour other animals in the "natural world" I'm an animal (and normally a nocturnal one) therefore, it is perfectly natural for me as an animal to want to eat other animals. What's UN-natural is to think that all the animals on the planet can/will stop eatting one another. (Considering some of us have evolved pretty much exclusively for that purpose.)

If it's both, well then you're Half-and-Half (as in right and wrong...as opposed to Milk...eww!) lol

Interesting stuff! ;)

ash said...

It's definitely the first reason. And no, I do not classify myself as "yet ANOTHER young female vegan-ista." If I did I would probably be a lot healthier and a few pounds lighter :]

And I get your drift on the way it is natural to want to eat other animals, but I have to point out some things - the kind of animals that we humans consume are not the same animals that we would be able to kill and eat without the help of weapons or technology. We do not have teeth that can tear through animal flesh easily and most of us would probably get sick from consuming a large amount of raw meat and blood. All I'm saying is I'm not convinced that it is entirely "natural" for humans to eat meat.

In the wild, animals follow a food chain without the help of technology. They also follow instinct and kill because it is necessary for them to survive. And besides, there are plenty of vegetarian animals out there so it seems one-sided to only take our cues from the carnivorous ones.

You are totally right about the icky hormones and chemicals though. Gross.