24 September, 2008

France, Day 1

Bonjour tout le monde!

I am currently sitting in Woodstock hostel in Gare du Nord across from half of a Volkswagon beetle mounted onto the wall. It is awesome, the staff is friendly (and English-speaking), and I am proud of myself for getting here in one piece.

Today in moments:
-First word spoken in French in France: (not surprisingly) excusez-moi.
-Cofidence Boosters: Got through customs; successfully asked employee if I was in the correct line; Bought ticket to RER; Managed to get from RER to Subway to Metro to Woodstock Hostel with two giant bags all by myself.
-Confidence Buster: When we got off the plane the door was shut and someone had to say, "Open the door. The door is shut." I know how to say this, but could not. Someone else came to the rescue. Also, a man on the RER sneezed, and, though I can well say "bless you," I did not. No one blessed him.

Only one minute of internet time left. Will update again soon!


Rachel B said...

Hooray! I'm so proud already!

Anonymous said...

glad you made it, why didn't you call. love mom and dad.