12 December, 2008

Public Acknowledgement to Tapan

I was reading over some of my older posts and was reminded of what a whiny emo-kid I can be when i'm lonely (sorry about that, especially to the people who had to live it and hear it and not just read about it. Anyway, as I was sitting in my studio apartment the other night with absolutely nothing to do, I was inspired to scream from the rooftops just how happy I am to have Tapan in my life. I finally found the person I'd been looking for for wayyyy too long. And of course, he only came into my life after I'd given up completely (Maureen, that's your cue to say "I told you so"). Also, if there's a competition out there for worst timing ever to start a relationship, I think we place. When I come back in May, I will have been gone for more than twice the time we were together in the United States, and that's pretty scary.

Tapan didn't let France scare him. There wasn't even a question of whether or not seven months overseas would change relationship status. That's how I know he was the one worth waiting for. Also, he doesn't give a damn about the price of transatlantic phone calls and we talk every day. Believe me, I am fully aware of how much that rocks.

Like I said, I was inspired to scream from the rooftops, but I didn't have a rooftop; I had a video camera and a blog:

PS - make sure you turn up your speakers - it's not worth watching if you don't have sound.


Rachel B said...

You are freaking HYSTERICAL.

Tapan :) said...

Merci beaucoup. mais l'une est de ne pas remercier assez