06 December, 2008

Once Upon A Win

The folks at cheezburger have launched a-nother website. This one caught my eye right away because it's filed under "nostalgia win" and we all know how much I love nostalgia, especially now that I'm in a different country.

But I don't know how I feel right now about this website. To be fair, at the moment, there are only three pages. Maybe it just needs time to work out the kinks. But my first impression is that it lacks the hilarity of cheezburger, failblog, graphjam. Maybe if there were captions on the photos? I mean, we all love seeing things that take us back, like this great pic of Bob Ross:

Once Upon A Win
more epic win

but how come no funny pun? The picture is not enough. It's always the caption that provides the gutbusting laughs. Also, I haven't had the chance yet to watch the videos on the site - maybe they're way redeeming.

Or maybe it's just that each picture is titled "epic win - (insert subject here)." I'm pretty tired of the epic abuse of the word epic as an exaggeratory adjective. It's getting old. I think we should let it die. Let's use something else now, and reserve "epic" for the most serious cases.

I swear I'm not crotchety right now or anything, just a little disappointed. When I saw "nostalgia" I couldn't wait to see how hard I would laugh. But in fact, I'm having another best weekend ever in Rennes. I flipped crêpes last night and am about to go to a music festival! So videos and pics to come!

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