08 August, 2008

Français Friday Update

It's Friday, at the end of a very long, very stressful, very awesome week.

I've done a lot of prepping for France this week! Including:

-bought my plane ticket (Sept 23rd-May 5th round trip for a sweet sweet deal)

-contacted the schools I will be teaching at (Collége Michelet and Collége Pierre Simon De Laplace)

-Downloaded Google Earth so I could fly to Lisieux from New Jersey, then Paris from Lisieux, then Caen from Paris, then to the Great Wall of China, Times Square, and my houses in Ocean City and Mays Landing

-Got super active on the Teaching Assistants in France forums and had all my questions answered: Yes, it will work out better to buy a round-trip and change the return date than to buy two one-ways; No, I will not be treated any differently because I have a nose piercing and a big-ass tattoo on my back; dating in France is totally not the same as here; No, no one is flying out of Newark the same night as I am; I should bring stick deodarant with me because they fancy the roll-ball kind.

-Added my name to the Wikiversity page of assistants in Caen and thus met my twin in Australia. Yep - soon-to-be French Teaching Assistant who currently works in an office and is completely addicted to Scrabulous

-Accepted the fact that I may not have millions, or even thousands, of dollars, but I'm still going to have the most rock-ass time ever.

From Emily's photobooth software (a little marred but you get the idea):


Rachel B said...

Oh sigh. Are you really leaving?

ash said...

Yes, but I will keep blogging!

I really miss you. Come with me?