15 May, 2008

gotta keyboard

finally! so far i learned how to play such masterpeices as:
1. "strangers in the night"
2. a really scary sounding couple of notes - you know the ones you would hear in a horror movie
3. the sound that plays at the beginning of a baseball game
4. the percussion noise at the beginning of "cell block tango"
5. the bass line of "stand by me"
6. the opening of "lean on me"
7. a few notes of some christmas-y song that Donna knows on autopilot and

(synthesized drumroll please)

8. "consequence of sounds" by Regina in its entirety! please, feel free to applaud me for figurng out the notes by myself. that's right, all nine of them.

ok so i definitely need to learn more about this instrument. maybe i can begin by learning how to read sheet music and which keys are which on the board.

today: piano for dummies, tomorrow: carnegie hall!

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