24 March, 2012

worth a thousand words

i took this photo of my pretty spring flowers to send to T, but then i really looked at it, and it turns out you can tell a lot about a person's life from what is in their room! i've been here six months today, let's talk about what i have accumulated.

i. flowers: every flower has a story behind it. i got them as a gift when i left the spring roller skating event last night. it was so much fun! kids and their parents and the generally unbalanced falling down everywhere. one dude almost fell and then caught himself on his hands and did five push-ups. one dad tumbled over his kid and did a somersault. i also had the pleasure of going skating with my roommate B who had never done it before. so fun to help her get out there and watch her take off!

ii. empty wine bottle flower vase: the tulips were a special gift that only i got, i think because i offered to buy one of the pots of flowers before i realized there were crates of them at the exit as gifts. guess they thought i was nice. and as for the vase, i'm broke and in france. what do you want?

iii. an anais poster. EEEEPPP!! my favorite french singer, been listening to her for the past four years and i can't believe i actually get to see her in concert. and on WEDNESDAY!!!

iv. my new jersey sticker on the wall. miss it.

v. the buneke's valentine from last year! one of the best i ever got. they always pull out all the stops those ladies.

vi. my immense university binder full of work that i should be doing right now. five exams this week and a presentation to prepare. eeffffff.

vii. if the flowers weren't enough to show you, and you look really really closely, you can see my heavy blanket rolled up on the chair, meaning not on my bed, meaning SPRING IS HERE!!!

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