15 March, 2012

10 things i learned/ remembered/ otherwise thought about this week

1. eating pizza hut to celebrate pi day is a good idea. eating FIVE slices because you are excited and nostalgia ridden is not.

2. my european friends aren't into pi day like i am. it's normal, since they don't write the date the way we do in the USA and there's no 31st of april. thank god whit is american and i had someone to celebrate with.

3. i got a 20/20 on my contrôle in compréhension orale! this means i will probably fail miserably on the compte rendu tomorrow. life is all about balance.

4. i have 10 to-do lists piled on my desk, just from this week. i keep gettng things done and realizing they are not even on my list, so i don't even get the satisfaction of ticking off a line item. please tell me other people do this.

5. people who live in a wet normand town really, really appreciate beautiful weather (i did too and ate lunch on the castle lawn today)

6. i am coming home in 13 weeks. i am happy and sad about this fact.

7. my students make me want to teach more and more every day.

8. i have not had a day without anything to do in a very long time. this is equal parts amazing and stressful.

9. OMG KINDER BUENO IS AMAZING and i really should never eat another one of those.

10. i should not have written this blog post because i have so so so much homework and sleep would be nice tonight.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Yes to #4...ALL THE TIME! I'll feel so accomplished, then be like, "Well crap, I still have this actual list of things to get done...maybe tomorrow." haha