26 March, 2012

missing words and the zoo

I discovered today that my dictionary is missing pages 467-546, that is everything between "légende" and "nirvana." To clarify, I can not verify spelling or gender of any words in between. I found this out in the middle of a written exam when I desperately needed to confirm the gender of the word "logique." FML. *See Update!!

Heard during my "Stuck in New Jersey" activity with the high schoolers (the idea is that their car breaks down in NJ and they have to think of fun ways to pass 4 days in Atlantic City except they can't agree with each other):

A: We are not going to see Britney Spears. We have to go to the zoo and we can see the tiger.
E: But Britney is a tiger. We must go see her show.
P: No, E. Britney is a cougar.

My students = on their games.

*Update: I got the gender right! Take that, dictionary with missing pages!

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