09 July, 2008

Office Nonsense

Every first Monday of the month, the mailman delivers a Levenger catalog to my boss. Every month, I look at the high-priced leather office goods and muse about what type of people actually pay money for them. These are usually passing thoughts that don't even merit discussion.

But in this month's catalog, the featured item is the Sea Lion Pen Stand:

bronze mini sea lion statue: 128 dollars
sleek fountain pen: 138 dollars
corporate douchedom: priceless

What would possess anyone to buy this bronze atrocity is beyond me. The description beneath the picture says, "It's individually handcrafted in the time-honored lost wax method for optimal detail and can hold any of our True Writer pens..."

Next step, what is a "True Writer" pen? Ask and you shall find a page on the Levenger website with a thorough history of the pen complete with a timeline of the changes it's gone through since 1999. And these richly historic pens are only 50 bucks a pop!

Grimace. Office people are crazy.

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