02 July, 2008

Ashley's Best Week Ever Part Two

Last week was so good that I'm still catching up. You thought nothing could beat Rushdie, right? Well-played. I thought so too, and then I went to Roller Derby!

I managed to get out of work early and head over to the Bunting-Huneke household, where the lovely ladies had arranged a fun-filled evening. It began with them taking me to my favorite restaurant ever - that's right. Taco Bell. And after some gordita wonder and much-needed venting, they whisked me away to my first roller derby ever.

Don't ask me why I expected a dark venue with sticky beer floors and metal music. Must have been some residual images from a movie or something. This place was, to my surprise, very family-friendly. We sat on the floor and watched the Sadistic Sweethearts triumph over the She Devils in a game that had it all - hot chicks on skates, penalties, a wipeout so ridiculous it took out a speaker system, and a cherry-on-top brawl in the last seconds. Definitely an awesome time.

An added bonus: during intermissions, I got to watch some Hell's Hooligans eye candy skate around the rink (let's face it - Chuck Grenades is completely crush-worthy).

And another added bonus: self esteem! I've never felt better about my body. The women who played in the game were all beautiful, and a lot of them were stocky. None of them seemed severely overweight; they just looked healthy. Like they had enough meat and muscle to be able to skate around the rink and straight brutalize other chicks. Those ladies made me feel really comfortable about my size. And they made me want to join roller derby and show everyone how bad-ass I am (OK that part is definitely all talk).

After the game we went to this local bar where the team would be meeting afterward, and had some beers and bar bites. True, I always have a great time with my lady friends, but I think that next time one of us should grow a pair and talk to the players. I came close to telling Sloppy Jo that she was awesome but she was stepping away from the bar and I missed my chance.

Once we left the bar (after a very awkward encounter with some stooge who made me feel bad about my breast size) we headed home and youtubed until we fell asleep. My new favorite video:

Best moment of the night, hands down: When Rachel introduced me to someone as her girlfriend's hetero life partner.

1 comment:

Rachel B said...


Sorry about the ass who made awkward comments about you at the bar. Sigh.