04 February, 2012

liste des classes reçu!

I finally got my schedule for classes starting Monday. We students could choose between two disciplines: literature and human sciences or economy and politics. For a break from my normal life, I chose the latter! I would like to remind the council that I have no background in economy and have taken exactly two politics classes in my life. Let's hope I don't flunk out!

Classes I'm taking:
Histoire économique
Presse spécialisée
Etudes européennes
Littérature et société française
Français juridique II
Initiation à la synthèse et à la contraction de texte
Compréhension et expression orales
Géographie économique et sociale
Langue de l'économie et du commerce II

Get all that? So many cognates!

I'm going from 12 hours of work a week to 31. Not including prep time/homework time. I'm just saying, I might not be around for a while, cause I'll be all up in this building.

Wish me luck!

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