29 February, 2012

who has time to think of titles?

So remember when I said i was going to disappear when classes started? I thought I was exaggerating. Turns out I really am too busy to breathe. Focused and spiritually breathe anyway. What I'm saying is meditation has been put on hold. Yoga has been put on hold Volunteering has been eliminated. I've resigned from the choir (sad face). Skyping many of my friends has been reserved for weekends. And blogging time has virtually packed its bags too!

Between 12 hours of assisting, 19.5 hours of studies, and 1 hour of tutoring per week, in addition to the time it takes me to get from chez moi to the university, to my high school, or to my client's house, I'm pretty much up and running from dawn till way after dusk. And I feel awesome! Energized, vivante, and best of all, not bored! Sure, sometimes it's really frustrating that I have to eat en route to school from Uni because I don't have ten minutes to sit down between classes, but hey! I'm busy as a bee and things in motion stay in motion.

I've been wanting to blog about so much. I can't really get into details, but here's a list of key phrases:
-Life in France
-Weekend trip to Lille and Belgium (keywords: chocolate, beer, fries, waffles, canal, oldest bar in Brugge)
-My first quiche (broccoli and spinach success)
-Meeting T's family(sorta) in Beaville-Beuville
-A badass barbeque in Bayeux
-My marathon When a Stranger Calls weekend (before classes, back when I had time)
-All sorts of hilarious moments that happen in the streets of Caen or in front of my students
-The poetry I have been reading (the good, the bad, and the incomprehensible)
-Various political and pop cultural musings

And most of all, I want to tell you about my university classes, how happy I am to be a student again, how I can feel, after what? four weeks now? that my French is already leaps and bounds better than it ever has been.

But all that for another time. For now, I've got homework to do!

14 February, 2012

some things i love, and how i celebrated/honored them on V-Day

1. My friends and family at home, so I sent 15 trans-atlantic Valentines to some of my cherished, and if I'd had moneybags there would have been many more.

2. My friends and family here, so I had a V-Day American-themed party on Friday, complete with all kinds of DIY Valentine's craft nonsense.

3. True Romance, so I fell asleep watching it last night.

4. Baking, so I made my famous yuppie brownie and put candy hearts on top.

5. My body, which I happened to upset with a street-crepe yesterday afternoon, so I cancelled my red-themed meal plan for the night and made seaweed soup instead. And then I woke up early for a run today. Feeling much, much better now.

6. The beauty of this city, so I walked to school instead of taking the bus. Past hotel de ville, two beautiful churches, and over William's castle.

7. Being a student, so I took very, very good notes yesterday!

8. T, so I spent all night yesterday Skyping him while we cooked and while we watched a cheesy 1980s Weird Al movie on YouTube. Even so far apart, we can spend my favorite holiday together. Life is good. <3

04 February, 2012

liste des classes reçu!

I finally got my schedule for classes starting Monday. We students could choose between two disciplines: literature and human sciences or economy and politics. For a break from my normal life, I chose the latter! I would like to remind the council that I have no background in economy and have taken exactly two politics classes in my life. Let's hope I don't flunk out!

Classes I'm taking:
Histoire économique
Presse spécialisée
Etudes européennes
Littérature et société française
Français juridique II
Initiation à la synthèse et à la contraction de texte
Compréhension et expression orales
Géographie économique et sociale
Langue de l'économie et du commerce II

Get all that? So many cognates!

I'm going from 12 hours of work a week to 31. Not including prep time/homework time. I'm just saying, I might not be around for a while, cause I'll be all up in this building.

Wish me luck!