30 January, 2009

Translating poetry is hard

Really, really hard. New translation up at Lines that Rock. I knew that when I started. But I also thought when I started that 4 months in I'd be fluent. Which is so not the case. The problem is nuance. I mean, Prevert writes with pretty basic language, but how do I know if he means here or there, when the same word is so often used for both? Just because the word derisory exists in English, is that the word he would have used? After I translated ths latest poem I thought I wouldn't even post it. I mean, what if Jacques doesn't approve?

But hey, you all know I'm an amateur, and a beginner at French. And if you have a major problem with my translation, you can correct me!

Sorry, I'm feeling insecure today. I'll put up a better post after the upcoming Best Weekend Ever.

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