27 April, 2009


Next week I'll be home.

Last week I felt like I wasn't ready. I don't think I realized how quickly the leaving part would sneak up on me.

This weekend I went to Jersey with Emilien and 40 people he works with. It was fun most of the time, but some of the time I felt like this huge awkward outsider imposter person. I don't feel much like going into it here on the interwebs, but it made me realize that, yeah, I'm a bit tired of being the foreigner. I'm excited to come home to my country, speak in my language with people who will understand my slang, cultural jokes, nostalgic references. And I'll get theirs.

This week I'm having goodbye dinners with my colleagues and my friends. It's such a strange, indescribable feeling that I have. All this month I've watched the lasts roll in. Last time I'll see Fabien, last concert in France, last book rental from the medi@theque, last Friday class, last vacances, last grocery shopping. Soon I'll have my last paycheck, last dinner with my friends, last hair wash under my two-minute long shower, last weekend in Paris, last look at French stars. What will the final footfall in France, just before I board the plane, feel like? What will happen in my stomach when I hear my final announcement in French, and this time understand every word?

And what will my life be like in a month? Will I still be able to watch French movies with no subtitles? Understand song lyrics? How long does it take to lose a language? Will I see my colleagues again someday? What if one day I call them on the phone and am not able to understand their French?

You can see I'm a ball of nerves and conflicting emotions. My solution? Take advantage of the last days of my contract. And hope that these lasts are only lasts for this period in my life. Someday I'll come back here and make all new firsts and lasts. There's no doubt in my mind.


Nathalie said...

It gives me goosebumps to read your post because I can feel how many feelings are running through you lately.
I was very happy to met you and I wish you the best back home.
Be sure that if you need a place to sleep someday in France, you can call me.

Tapan :) said...

babe écoute-moi vous ne pouvez pas oublier la langue et bien nous allons à la France et ont super longues vacances et, bien sûr, vous regarder des films en français avec sous-titres ou plus lorsque vous arrivez à la maison, vous avez super longue douche bien chaude que vous le souhaitez si bébé si vous pensez vous de tous ces faux. deviner ce que je suis super heureux de vous voir aujourd'hui blog lol parce que je pense et de dire à moi-même que lorsque cette dame est en cours de blog, je suis en attente de toute façon beau bonjour i miss vous ne pouvez pas attendre de vous voir en 6 jours yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ne peut pas waittt

ash said...


I'll so definitely take you up on that offer! I hope you know that the best part of this trip for me was the colleagues. I'm ashamed I didn't think to say that when you asked me in front of the Euro class.


Je suis contente que tu as essayé de me laisser un commentaire en français, et vivement mardi prochaine!!